Brain Injury Association of the Ottawa Valley

The BIAOV is a The Brain Injury Association of the Ottawa Valley is a non-profit organization that helps acquired brain injury survivors reconnect with their environment.  The Mission is to offer education, information, hope and support to persons with brain injury, their family members, friends, caregivers and professionals in the Ottawa Valley region.

Family Caregivers of BC

Family Caregivers of BC offers BC-wide services for family and friend caregivers providing unpaid care and support to people living with chronic disease, disability or frailty due to aging. Services include: BC Caregiver Support Line, with one-to-one emotional support, health system navigation, Brief Action Planning, information and referral, Caregiver Coach by referral; Support Group Facilitator Training, Online Caregiver Resource Center – a tools and resources website; Education and Learning webinars, recordings, e-learning and more. Also works in collaboration with community, health authority and government partners to include the family caregiver voice in health care policy and practice.

Ontario Caregiver Organization logo

Ontario Caregiver Organization

The Ontario Caregiver Organization (OCO) exists to support Ontario’s 3.3 million caregivers; ordinary people who provide physical and emotional support to a family member, partner, friend or neighbour. We support caregivers by being their one point of access to information, so they have what they need to be successful in their role.

Brain Care Centre (BCC)

BCC is a not-for-profit organization that offers programs and services to adults (18+) impacted by acquired brain injury so they may overcome limitations, reconnect, and thrive in the community.

Dale Brain Injury Services

At Dale Brain Injury Services we provide a continuum of high quality, client-centered services to persons affected by an acquired brain injury. By providing services that are accessible, evidence-based and responsive to the changing needs of our clients, our community, and our partners, DBIS supports individuals to maximize their strengths and live healthy, meaningful lives.

Also serving the counties of Elgin, Oxford, Middlesex, Grey, Bruce, Huron, & Perth

Brain Injury Association of London and Region

The Brain Injury Association of London and Region (BIALR) is committed to empowering and maximizing the quality of life for individuals living with the effects of an acquired brain injury and their families and caregivers, through support, social activities, community and peer opportunities, advocacy, and information. We are committed to education, raising awareness, and the prevention of brain injury in our community.

Brain Injury Association Waterloo Wellington

The Brain Injury Association of Waterloo-Wellington (BIAWW) is a registered not-for-profit charity that provides support, advocacy, and programs to survivors of acquired brain injury (ABI) and educational programs to the children and youth.

Easter Seals Canada

The Access 2 card is for people of all ages and types of permanent disabilities who require the assistance of a support person at hundreds of participating entertainment, cultural and recreational venues across Canada. The Access 2 cardholder (the individual with a permanent disability) presents the Access 2 card to a venue. The Access 2 cardholder pays regular admission price and their support person receives 1 FREE or discounted admission.

SaskAbilities- Partners in Employment

ABI Supported Employment Program offers individuals who have a moderate to severe brain injury the supports to develop a realistic employment plan, enhance skills to prepare for, obtain and maintain employment.