Each and every recovery journey is different. At the Stroke Recovery Association we provide programs, resources and support groups to help you find your way – and find what works for YOU. Our support groups are run by fellow stroke survivors which allows for a supportive, encouraging environment where survivors feel heard and understood. We offer programs throughout the week both in person and virtually, that offer physical, creative and social benefits. Our friendly and knowledgeable office staff are available to take your calls and emails with any questions you might have about our programs or any other stroke resources in the province.
Service: Caregiver Support Groups
Fraser Valley Brain Injury Association
Fraser Valley Brain Injury Association provides services and support programs for people with acquired brain injuries and their families/supporters in the Fraser Valley of BC.
Family Caregivers of BC
Family Caregivers of BC offers BC-wide services for family and friend caregivers providing unpaid care and support to people living with chronic disease, disability or frailty due to aging. Services include: BC Caregiver Support Line, with one-to-one emotional support, health system navigation, Brief Action Planning, information and referral, Caregiver Coach by referral; Support Group Facilitator Training, Online Caregiver Resource Center – a tools and resources website; Education and Learning webinars, recordings, e-learning and more. Also works in collaboration with community, health authority and government partners to include the family caregiver voice in health care policy and practice.
Ontario Caregiver Organization
The Ontario Caregiver Organization (OCO) exists to support Ontario’s 3.3 million caregivers; ordinary people who provide physical and emotional support to a family member, partner, friend or neighbour. We support caregivers by being their one point of access to information, so they have what they need to be successful in their role.
Caregiver Support is a free and confidential phone consultation, information and referral service for the caregivers, as well as friends and family, practitioners and health care professionals.
Brain Injury Association of London and Region
The Brain Injury Association of London and Region (BIALR) is committed to empowering and maximizing the quality of life for individuals living with the effects of an acquired brain injury and their families and caregivers, through support, social activities, community and peer opportunities, advocacy, and information. We are committed to education, raising awareness, and the prevention of brain injury in our community.
Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada
Brain tumours are unpredictable and complex. They can affect vision, hearing, memory, balance, and mobility. Their effects are physical, emotional, financial, and last a lifetime. Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada is the only national charity offering information and support to patients affected by any kind of brain tumour – be it cancerous, non-malignant or metastases. The organization funds ground-breaking research across North America and, since 1982, has dedicated over $8.2 million to finding a cure and improving treatment for brain tumour survivors. We also provide vital programs and services for the brain tumour community, including: Support Groups; resources like patient and caregiver Brain Tumour Handbooks, a children’s storybook and Information Sheets; and educational events like our free webinar series. Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada is funded solely through generous contributions from individuals, corporations, organizations, employee groups and special events.
Southern Alberta Brain Injury Society
Southern Alberta Brain Injury Society (SABIS) provides non-medical support to adult brain injury survivors and their families. SABIS is dedicated to helping adults with acquired brain injuries obtain community supports and services.