426 Balmoral Street
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5G8
Telephone Number: 807-626-4492
Toll Free Number: 1-866-796-1188
Website: www.bisno.org

We have 30 Assisted Living spaces across 3 sites in Thunder Bay with 24hr/day staffing. We provide Community Rehabilitation and Outreach services to approximately 300 people/year across North Western Ontario. We provide individual and family counselling and people have some access to neuropsychology services. We also support individuals with an ABI and co-occurring mental health issue, ten who have access to an RGI unit. We partner with many community agencies as well as Home and Community Support Services North West to access professional services such as nursing, OT, PT, SLP and PSW’s.
- Community Support Groups
- Counselling
- Family/Caregiver Supports
- Supported Housing
- English
- French
- Fee for Service
- Free
- Community funded
- Government funded
- Privately funded